

What is ePlaneAI?

ePlaneAI is the fastest-growing online Trading and Insights platform dedicated to the aerospace industry.
ePlaneAI's all-in-one solution aggregates your every aerospace procurement need in one place.

  • 検証済みのリストとリアルタイムベースの在庫による部品取引。

  • 交渉と情報交換のためのライブチャット通信。

  • 高度なデータ分析レポート。

  • オンライン決済ソリューション。

  • 完全にカスタマイズされた個人用ダッシュボードにより、すべてのデータを1か所に保管できます。

We invite you to join a personal live training session to learn everything you need to know to trade on ePlaneAI like a pro. The training is fully customized to your requirements and preferences so you can make the most of ePlaneAI's platform.
無料セッションをスケジュールする <a _ngcontent-sc523="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="article__link" href="https://calendly.com/eplanemarketplace/live-training">ここに。

Why should I use ePlaneAI?

ePlaneAI provides advanced technological solutions that streamline parts sourcing and repair services in addition to offering improved communication between buyers and sellers in the aerospace industry.
Among ePlaneAI's enhanced features and capabilities are reliable inventory synchronization directly from the inventory management system, automated RFQ management, purchase order integration, and more.

Are there any charges involved in using ePlaneAI?

Our Basic plan includes everything you need to trade successfully on ePlaneAI.
We also offer a monthly paid subscription, AI Plan, which offers advanced capabilities that will help you scale and build your business's efficiency, including market price and lowest quote indicators and the ability to create parts watchlists, export business files, and more.
プランを比較する <a _ngcontent-sc523="" class="article__link" href="/pricing">ここに。

What does ePlaneAI integrate with?

当社のマシンツーマシン接続ソリューションは、Spec 2000通信およびその他のインターフェースに基づいており、注文、在庫、および販売管理システムと統合して、在庫のアップロード、RFQ/注文の挿入、および見積もりの収集をサポートできます。
Some of the main systems that ePlaneAI integrates with include Amos, Quantum, and Pentagon 2000. To integrate your order management system, contact us at [email protected].

Am I committed to buying and selling with ePlaneAI?

We do not require any commitment from either buyers or sellers. You can continue working with all the existing platforms and marketing channels you currently use. However, we recommend considering ePlaneAI as the primary tool to aggregate all your aviation needs and insights.


お問い合わせ先 [email protected] 技術的な問題、プロのヒント、およびプラットフォームのナビゲートに関する支援。 また、私たちを見つけることができます <a _ngcontent-sc523="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="article__link" href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/eplane---online-marketplace/?originalSubdomain=il">リンクトイン。

I have a special request. How can ePlaneAI help me?

ePlaneAI was built to support the aerospace industry's requirements. We would be happy to hear about your needs and to adjust our system to fit them.
お気軽に お 問い合わせ ご質問やご要望がございましたら。


ePlaneAI is committed to safeguarding any personal or confidential information that may be collected through our platform. Read our プライバシーポリシー 詳細については。


もちろんです! ePlaneAI Promotion Services 企業が資産、パッケージ、およびその他の在庫を売買するのを支援することに専念しています。
We offer targeted email and popup campaigns to thousands of companies and individuals from the ePlaneAI network of aviation experts.
このサービスについてもっと知る <a _ngcontent-sc523="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="article__link" href="https://ja-23a607c4978f79246.getsmartling.com/ja-JP/promotion-services/">ここに。


How do I register on ePlaneAI?

ユーザーとしての登録は簡単で、1分もかかりません。 アカウントを作成する and complete the provided form. After you have finished filling out the form and clicked "Sign Up", you will receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided. Click the "Confirm Registration" button in the email, and you can now begin searching for parts on ePlaneAI.


登録 your ePlaneAI user account as a company is important to ensure you enjoy the full benefits of our features and solutions. For sellers, this process is essential to start selling on ePlaneAI.
For buyers, it increases your visibility to sellers when you are recognized as a verified user on ePlaneAI. Based on our experience, sellers tend to respond only to RFQs from verified companies.
会社として登録する方法に関する短いチュートリアルを見つけることができます ここは。

Can I add ePlaneAI accounts for my employees?

はい。あなたが持っていると registered as a verified company, you can add as many users you like, with no extra fee! Simply go to User Management and click the Add user link at the top of the table. Fill in your employee/agent details, and ePlaneAI will send them an invitation to open an account and link it to your company account.

Can I buy and sell using the same ePlaneAI account?

はい。あなたが持っていると <a _ngcontent-sc523="" class="article__link" href="/users/profile/manage/register-company">会社を登録すると、 <span _ngcontent-sc523="">同じアカウントを使用して売買できます。


売り手との取引条件に同意した後、さまざまなものを使用して取引を確定します <a _ngcontent-sc523="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="article__link" href="https://ja-23a607c4978f79246.getsmartling.com/ja-JP/introducing-eplane-payments-online-payment-processing/">安全な支払いオプション。 <a _ngcontent-sc523="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="article__link" href="https://ja-23a607c4978f79246.getsmartling.com/ja-JP/a-new-way-to-source-online-buy-through-eplane-fulfillment/">フルフィルメント <span _ngcontent-sc523="">ソリューション。<br _ngcontent-sc523="" /><span _ngcontent-sc523=""> 注: 販売者の好みによっては、一部の支払い方法が常に利用できるとは限りません。